Saturday, March 12, 2011

..... answer

*facebooking is the new pink?*

I have been meaning to share this for quite some time. But i couldnt. Because i wasnt even ready to make the changes that i should. But alhamdulillah, now i am and i had made the changes that i vowed to make. insyaAllah, i'll do more in the future. =)

facebook. i think everybody within the age of 10 years below and above me have a facebook account. *sigh* i started mine right when i was in wangsa maju; i think. maybe in last two years. i joined facebook for the social networking things that it offered. i had fun. commenting here and there. uploading pictures here and there. and when it was time for me to come to...... my facebook life seems more 'happening'.

Then, i dont know how and why, i felt something was wrong about this new habit of mine.*facebooking* i felt i was surrounded with lives of others whom i dont know of. yet, im IN their lives. i see their pictures. i see the way they talk to others. i see how they treat others. i see how others treat them. well, you get the picture. it's that easy. From someone who is non-existent to you, and just a click away, you know everything about them already. it seems absurd to me. how can someone's life be that insignificant? then it strucked me, i am THAT person too.

hati tak sedap. resah. gelisah. i need answers. i asked some friends. but they seem to be caught off-guard. hm.maybe i was thinking too deep? so i put it off first while deactivating my account.